My Brilliant Friend

CITY JOURNAL ……….  Peter Huber, a long-time senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute, a founding partner in a successful Washington, D.C. law firm; a polymath and prolific author of a dozen consequential books and hundreds of essays and op-eds; influential analyst, intellectual powerhouse, and seer in matters from the role of science in the courts,…

COVID-19 Vaccines: An Overnight Success Decades in the Making

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ………..  After decades of being told it takes years to produce new drugs, we’ve now been spoiled by the magicians in pharma who invented multiple COVID-19 vaccines in mere months. Policy-makers and pundits will expect no less from technology in the future. And not just for diseases, but for all manner of…

A Carbon-Powered Shot

CITY JOURNAL ………….. Global jubilation greeted images of a United Airlines jumbo jet being loaded for the first flights carrying the Covid-19 vaccine for distribution. Much will be written about the unprecedented efforts in developing the vaccines so rapidly. One of the least noted aspects of that story is the carbon footprint associated with the vaccination…