Oil in the Time of Corona

CITY JOURNAL …… Last week, as the coronavirus pandemic intensified, Saudi Arabia demonstrated how much oil still matters and how much power it still wields.

An interview on artificial intelligence with Mark Mills

KELLEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE ………… In this interview, we would like to discuss some of the most important aspects of AI with you and get your insights and opinions on this rapidly emerging technology. To begin, how do you define AI and what does this technology encompass?

Innovation and ‘New Energy’

NATIONAL REVIEW …….. To see the future of energy innovation, we need look no further than two iconic Silicon Valley inventions of our century: the Tesla and the iPhone.

Digital Cathedrals: The Information Infrastructure Era

REAL CLEAR BOOKS ……… My plan today is to paint a picture of the technological landscape in the near future. Let me start with the past. In 1913—106 years ago—the world witnessed an architectural marvel here in New York City, at 233 Broadway: the completion of the Woolworth building, a 792-foot-tall skyscraper, then the world’s…

How To Trigger A Global Recession In One Easy Step: Ban Fracking

REAL CLEAR ENERGY ………. In a time long ago, seven years this month, President Obama and candidate Mitt Romney sparred in their second debate over the extent to which Obama deserved credit for increasing America’s oil and natural gas production. Three years later President Obama would, without fanfare, sign epic legislation reversing a 40-year-old petroleum export ban.