When the Blackboard Carbon Tax Meets Reality

WALL STREET JOURNAL  . . . . (LETTER)_ . ..In “How Climate Policy Went Wrong” (Business World, Jan. 27), Holman Jenkins, Jr., notes that implementing a good carbon tax—“in a ‘no regrets’ fashion”—requires a trade for “cutting other taxes” of equal magnitude. Even if such a bipartisan tax trade could be hatched, you can take…

Tapping the Brakes on Electric Vehicles

CITY JOURNAL . . . . It’s been a rough few months for electric vehicle fans. During the January cold snap, social media sites were filled with sarcasm and pictures of Teslas stranded by freezing temperatures. Lots of “dead robots out there,” one wag put it.

Split the International Energy Agency Into Two To Avoid Shocks

REAL CLEAR POLITICS . . . . The International Energy Agency (IEA) turns 50 this year. It’s time to rethink the IEA’s role and for the United States, the biggest source of funding, to suspend IEA payments until it has been restructured for the times. Why? Start with the fact that the IEA was created because…

The Carbon Tax Cliff

CITY JOURNAL . ……….. The year 2023 ended with four pieces of legislation in Congress aimed at creating a carbon tax. Since three of those bills have bipartisan sponsorship, we’re more likely to see some form of the carbon tax pass this year. The perceptive Wall Street Journal columnist Holman Jenkins recently observed that Republicans…

X-Raying the Reality and Origin of a Hollow Phrase: ‘Energy Transition’

REAL CLEAR MARKETS …………. It is often useful to contrast rhetoric with reality. The phrase, an “energy transition,” the goal to replace hydrocarbons, has origins that trace back to a 1977 speech by President Jimmy Carter. It was an “address to the nation” that commandeered national media, as is the convention on occasions when presidents seek to…