Do Electric Vehicles Spell OPEC’s Doom?

REAL CLEAR POLICY This summer Elon Musk made good on his promise to introduce a people’s electric wagon, an addition to the $100,000 Tesla S beloved by the virtue-signaling wealthy. In late July, the slick $35,000 Tesla 3 went on sale, joining a crowded field of some three-dozen other electric vehicle (EV) offerings.

Geopolitical Implications of the Invisible Digital Oil Revolution

TESTIMONY BEFORE SENATE ENERGY COMMITTEE Five years ago this summer, when a different party was in charge of both the White House and Senate, I proposed in my Manhattan Institute paper entitled “Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus,” that new realities should lead policymakers to “go beyond the pursuit of energy independence” and instead “push…

Professionals and Managers: You’re Next

CITY JOURNAL Here’s the dirty little secret about automation: it’s easier to build a robot to replace a junior attorney than to replace a journeyman electrician. And that fact helps explain why economists and politicians are feeling misgivings about “creative destruction,” which, up to now, they have usually embraced as a net good for society.

Making Technological Miracles

THE NEW ATLANTIS               Bill Gates wants a miracle. And he’s willing to put his prestige and a lot of money — as much as $2 billion — behind that pursuit. He has called for a major U.S. and global effort to stimulate research in the hope of finding…

The American Economy Needs Manufacturing

Real Clear Energy       America’s economy won’t boom again unless the manufacturing sector does. Period. Let’s stipulate that when it comes to the dignity of work, all jobs matter — whether coding in San Jose, construction work in Cincinnati, or urgent-care nursing in Queens. But the big question on the table is whether…

The Real Reason Trump Left the Paris Agreement

FORTUNE The Paris climate agreement was never about climate science. Anchored in the premise that climate science is “settled,” the accord seeks to dramatically change humanity’s energy supply. Here, the matter really is settled: It’s not going to happen.