Pokémon’s Big Carbon Footprint Illustrates Energy Reality

The astonishing success of Nintendo’s augmented-reality (AR) game, Pokémon GO, is a harbinger of yet another digital revolution. It’s also a teaching moment for the inconvenient—or at least generally ignored—truth of the ineluctable linkages between the cyber and physical worlds. Virtual worlds live inside the real worlds of massive communications and Cloud computing infrastructures manufactured with real not virtual materials and consuming real energy.

Smart Grids: Greener & Easier to Hack

RealClearPolicy — The dog days of summer began with a sobering warning about “cyber-jihadists” in a new analysis from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology. Policymakers should anticipate sophisticated anti-American groups developing world-class hacking capabilities. Doubtless old news at the Pentagon’s Cyber Command.

The Future Of American Shale: Political & Energy Realities

RealClearEnergy — The battle lines around energy policy in this Presidential election cycle have been drawn early and starkly. It distills simply to shale versus solar. (Wind turbines can be included in the solar category since they capture the effect of the sun’s heat on the atmosphere.)

Drone Disruption: The Stakes, The Players, And The Opportunities

Yes. It is a revolution. But it’s still early days, so the landscape is complex.

Even if you have no immediate plans to buy a drone (yet), a lot of people do. In a few years we’ve gone from a hobbyist niche to an estimated one million consumer-class or small-business drones sold last year in the U.S. alone. Such a steep growth curve has all the earmarks of a new product category.