Our Frackers Beat Their Hackers

Real Clear World We are supposed to believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump have a budding bromance, as it is called, because Trump made a few off-hand comments during the campaign.

Krupp v. Mills

Real Clear Policy      Let me start where Fred Krupp and I agree. We both want a more secure America, a vibrant economy and more jobs

The Path to a Bipartisan Energy Agenda

Real Clear Policy          Imagine it’s after Inauguration Day. The next president asks the staff of, say, the White House Science Office to come up with a strategy for a bipartisan energy policy for the post-campaign-promise period.

The Internet Of Things Won’t Be Big It’ll Be Huge

It’s time for a break from the sturm und drang of the political season. Herein an exploration of a macro trend that bodes well for America – and for investors. Of course governments are capable of either facilitating or stifling tech revolutions. But progress is (nearly) inevitable when tech cycles are foundational.