Energy Realities at the Nexus of Techno-Optimism

REAL CLEAR MARKETS . . . . . Every annual gathering of the technology glitterati at George Gilder’s COSM summit gives us a glimpse of a future that’s exciting for many, even if scary for some. It’s an optimistic vision of the future quite different from what is so often proposed by many myopic forecasters.…

AI’s Energy Appetite: Voracious & Efficient

DAKOTA DIGITAL REVIEW . . . . . . The invention of useful artificial intelligence (AI), epitomized by the hype over ChatGPT, is the latest example of a basic truth about technology. There have always been many more inventions that use energy than those that can produce it. Such is the nature of progress in…

Illusions of Security

CITY JOURNAL ………. As awful events unfold in Israel and Gaza, it’s likely that historians will view Hamas’s surprise attack as analogous to the epic failure of France’s Maginot Line in World War II. Immediately following the surge of terrorists across the border on October 7 came the question: How did it happen, especially given…

A New Tax to Fix U.S. Autos? What Chutzpah

WALL STREET JOURNAL …… Clifford Winston’s op-ed “UAW Strike May Hasten Detroit’s Decline” (op-ed, Sept. 22) is further evidence that energy-transition advocates want to change your behavior. He proffers “an efficient vehicle-miles-traveled tax,” wherein the government could “reduce driving, especially during peak periods,” as a more efficient means to cut emissions

The EV Jobs Myth

CITY JOURNAL ……..Many claim that the United Auto Workers strike is, at core, a reaction to an “inevitable” transition to an all-electric-car future. They say that this future involves fewer jobs because electric vehicles (EVs) are supposedly simpler machines that therefore require far less labor to build. None of this is true.