America’s Third Era Of Petroleum Power

Investor’s Business Daily — Relentless news coverage of oil prices has obscured a bigger story.  We’re witnessing the emergence of a new oil era in which America becomes a player in global petroleum geopolitics.  And none too soon.

Oil: The Once & Future Fuel

  360 Review Magazine – University of Mary If oil didn’t exist, we’d invent it. It is a uniquely dense fuel with Goldilocks attributes: just the right combination of transportability, storability, safety and cost. That’s why civilization consumes nearly $2 trillion worth of oil a year. It’s the world’s largest traded commodity, with food in second place trading at 20…

After the Carnage, Shale Will Rise Again

Wall Street Journal   How low can oil prices go? When pundits start competing to predict where the barrel will hit bottom, you know that a rebound is inevitable. It’s the inverse of what happens before a high-price bubble bursts. Only a few years ago forecasters were suggesting that oil might hit $300 a barrel.