Your Technology Is Powered by Coal. Get Over It.

RealClearEnergy Earlier this month Stanford University announced that its endowment would divest itself of any investments in companies "whose principal business is coal." … You do not have to have an opinion on global warming, or coal itself, to see a logic problem with the posture of eschewing companies that produce coal, but supporting companies that…

Washington Targets Cupertino

City Journal Silicon Valley innovators love to talk about “disruptive innovation,” the iconic phrase coined by Harvard’s Clayton Christensen. But today, the innovators’ dilemma—to borrow from Christensen again—is how best to confront disruptive regulation from Washington, D.C.

The 3D Printers Are Coming: Dig More Coal?

The 3D printers are coming.  And fast. The only debate is over how fast. Velocity matters for stock pickers following the small world of pure-play public 3D printing companies.  It is also relevant for business analysts and, perhaps surprisingly, for energy forecasters.