Not Dead Yet — America’s manufacturing sector shows signs of life.

City Journal Conventional wisdom holds that America’s transition from a manufacturing to a service-based economy is nearly complete. Mining and making stuff are out; surgery and software development are in. The U.S. has entered a post-industrial era. Not so fast, says Vaclav Smil. In his new book, Made in the U.S.A.: The Rise and Retreat of…

“Cost-Effective” College Plan Could Chill Innovation

with Julio Ottino …. RealClearPolitics Rising prosperity and all associated social benefits flow from innovation — none of which is found in the halls of Congress. It is in the halls of colleges and universities where we find and foster innovators — and where America’s unique advantage resides.  

The Bottom Line on iPhones vs. Refrigerators

"The Cloud Begins with Coal" Author Responds to His Critics: The Breakthrough Institute It’s uncontroversial to note that the global information-communications-technology sector (ICT) uses a lot of electricity. But convert that observation into a per capita form, illustrated, for example, by how many kilowatt-hours an iPhone might use, and protests and invectives sprout up faster…