Time for U.S. to emulate Mexico?

San Diego Union South of the border, President Enrique Peña Nieto appears to be on track to gain approval from the General Congress of the United Mexican States to reverse decades of tight federal control over the country’s oil and gas resources. Polls in Mexico show citizens favor Peña’s idea 62 percent to 28 percent.

American Technologists and Entrepreneurs Re-Set Russian Relations

RealClearPolitics — with Sir Tony Brenton Unsurprisingly, oil prices are up in reaction to the Syrian mess. It’s worth keeping in mind that President Putin is at the top of the list of world leaders who benefit from this. The linkage between oil prices and Russia’s revenues cannot be ignored in calibrating what has, and…

Big Data’s Green Creds

RealClearEnergy Some anniversaries pass with little fanfare.  The Altos, the world’s first personal computer, was invented 40 years ago by Xerox at their Silicon Valley PARC research labs.  Seeing it inspired Steve Jobs to create the epoch-changing Mac which led in turn to the proliferation of billions of computers around the globe.