R.I.P. Peak Oil As Oil Drum Closes Down

Real Clear Energy Print publications go out of business because the well of subscribers willing to pay for paper by snail-mail dries up. But it's rare for an on-line publication to close down because the well of ideas and content dries up. But this month the iconic blog The Oil Drum, announcedit's shutting down because of…

Crude Oil’s Coming Clash With Obama’s New Climate Policy

Investors Business Daily President Obama's speech at Georgetown University last week provided clarity, if there was ever any doubt, as to why the administration equivocates on approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, heel-drags on permits for natural gas exports and restricts federal lands from hydrocarbon development. The president is doubling-down on policies unfriendly (to put…

Every Breath You Take

CITY JOURNAL The age of all-seeing, all-knowing information analytics is nearly upon us. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 256 pp., $27) Covering everything that’s happening today with information technology in one book is a monumental challenge. As if to…

Unleash the Energy-Export Revolution

National Review Online On May 17, the Department of Energy (DOE) approved just the second license in America to export natural gas. Nineteen more applicants still wait. Yes, private businesses, willing to spend tens of billions of private capital, are lined up for a schoolyard game of “Mother May I” to get permission to export…