Romney Chooses a Tech-Centric Energy Plan to Jumpstart Jobs and Economic Growth

Presidential energy plans.  Talk about a field littered with ignominious failures.  It’s not just this Administration’s anemic results from its $70+ billion stimulus for alternative energy.  Remember Carter’s Synfuels Corporation, or Clinton’s Partnership for a New Generation of (80 mpg) Vehicles?  Thus far, every energy plan would work better in Hollywod than Houston.  Romney’s new plan is the…

Look to Software Not Hardware to Fix India’s Grid

Audience viewing is up for the Olympics, setting records.  But not so much in India of course where whatever share of the 600 million in the dark might otherwise have watched India’s hockey team – field hockey, guys, it’s the summer – lose to New Zealand, and thus lose a berth in the semifinals. The 2012 Olympics will…

U.S. can become an energy export nation

Politico, 7/25/12 Imagine a future in which the United States abandons its tepid policy of inching toward energy “independence” and instead joins forces with Canada and Mexico to become the world’s largest energy exporter.  

The Power Behind Big Data: A Global Survey

The post-2008 global recession didn’t significantly slow global data center construction.  What happens when robust economic growth returns? The rise of new Web-based services, feature-laden smart-phones and tablets, aps and video-everywhere, all end up visible in the rise in demand for data centers.

The Great New American Outsourcing, Clouds to China?

Fast forward to Olympics 2016.  Senator Reid is still the majority leader.  (It could happen.)  This time he’s not calling for the burning of our Olympic team’s Chinese-made uniforms as he recently did, but instead that we boycott watching the games on streaming video.  Why? Because, quelle horreur, in 2016 the gazillion gigabytes of Olympic…