San Diego Union-Tribune It’s a presidential election year. The economy is limping along. Real estate and the job market are terrible. Graduates are despondent. The big innovations that changed the world over the past several decades are behind us. Sound familiar? Welcome to America in 1980. Not a soul imagined then that technology would ignite…

Rating Yelp as a Bellwether of the Social Media Tech Boom

Yelp’s [NYSE:YELP] successful IPO this past Friday was a modern validation of an age-old economic precept.  People migrate to better and cheaper ways to do things they like to do.  People like shopping and going to restaurants.  And technology drives those trends.  Social media is the new Mega Mall, the most effective way for retail…

Wow, Even Tom Friedman Wants to Drill Baby Drill?

Can we talk about oil?  Tom Friedman now evinces excitement about his discovery of the emergence of America as “a major oil and gas producer.”  (See his Sunday New York Times column.)  No kidding.  He was, he says, tantalized by a tongue-in-cheek idea; the U.S. could join OPEC. Some folks are late to the party. …