The Art of Energy: The Future will not be Painted in Oil The past, present, and future of our energy economy are on display at the Museum of Modern Art. Don't look for a barrel of crude; admire, instead, what curator Terence Riley describes as "a remarkably beautiful object, half metal, half composite, that goes together in this crazy way that only a computer could understand."…

Q&A: Why the Environmentalists Have It All Backward

The Star-Ledger Everything you think you know about energy is wrong. In their new book "The Bottomless Well," Mark Mills and Peter Huber preach that efficiency is wasteful, waste is good and fossil fuels are the next best thing to nuclear power. They say America can thank environmentalists for extra coal burned today.

Why the U.S. Needs More Nuclear Power

City Journal Your typical city dweller doesn’t know just how much coal and uranium he burns each year. On Lake Shore Drive in Chicago—where the numbers are fairly representative of urban America as a whole—the answer is (roughly): four tons and a few ounces. In round numbers, tons of coal generate about half of the…

Can the Terrorists Turn Out Gotham’s Lights?

Who stayed lit after Gotham's lights went out during the blackout of August 2003? Batteries and standby generators kicked in to keep trading alive on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. But the AmEx failed to open; true, it had backup generators for the trading-floor computers, but it depended on Consolidated Edison to…