We’re having weather, which is different than climate

US-China climate talks end without a deal

Energy Impacts on Land

Mark Mills on reality catching up to California’s electric vehicle plans

How Much Energy Will the World Need?

PragerU, March 28, 2022

What's Wrong with Wind and Solar?

PragerU, September, 14, 2020

Mark Mills

Larry Kudlow Show, July 31, 2021

Mark Mills

The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano, May 15, 2021

Mark Mills explains what the recent fusion breakthrough really means

Just The News, December 16, 2022

Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part One

The Stossel Show, November 1, 2022

Cybersecurity & Hacking the Grid

Wall Street Journal TV, July 7, 2016

Smart Phone Energy Use

Text Public Policy Foundation, July 7, 2016

TV Appearances

‘Giant roadblock’ to renewable energy aspirations is ‘minerals’

Sky News Australia, Nov 2, 2022

Is California's Plan to Fight Global Warming and Climate Change Impossible?

There’s a Disconnect Between The Democrat’s Vision for Electric Vehicles and Reality

Real America’s Voice, June 16, 2022

Guest Mark Mills

Carbon Tax

Journal Editorial Report, January 12, 2019

Radio Interviews

Physics Reveals ‘Green’ Energy Sources Are Unrealistic And Unsustainable

Oil Exports and OPEC

Paris, COP21, Energy & Bill Gates

The Bill Bennett Show, November 30, 2015

What Uses Less Energy: An iPhone or a Fridge?

California’s Monterey Shale, a Golden Opportunity


Get Ready for the Roaring 2020s!

Reason Podcast, January 18, 2023

The Grand Nexus: Energy, Materials, Information

360 Round – (MSFT) (META) (GOOGL) (AAPL) (AMZN) Mega Earnings Week Ahead

TD Ameritrade Network, July 22, 2022

Guest Mark Mills

Jim Bohannon Show, October 29, 2021

Senate Energy Committee Testimony

1:08:30, June 24, 2021

The Green New Deal’s Bad Science

John Stossel, April 22, 2019

Radio Podcast

Diane Hamilton Show, April 22, 2019

End of the Beginning of the Information Era

Forbes CIO Conference, NYC, October 27, 2022

Mark Mills in Telluride

Speech, October 29, 2021

Challenges of the U.S. Energy Transition

National Association of Business Economists Annual Meeting, September 29, 2021